blog results for wod
2 Results
Read Hellscream, the prequel to Warlords of Draenor

Before Gul'dan's dramatic fall, two strangers arrived on Draenor: Garrosh Hellscream, the deposed warchief of the Horde, and Kairozdormu, a bronze dragon whose motivations were clouded in mystery. The newest World of Warcraft short story, "Hellscream," reveals how their actions on Draenor have placed all living beings on Azeroth in mortal peril.

10 years ago
Premade Groups: Looking for Adventure

Group Finder is getting a new addition in Warlords of Draenor to make it easier for you to group up. In a raid and need more adventurers to round out the group for a Normal or Heroic raid or need help finding like-minded players for a group quest? The Premade Group option within the Group Finder can help.

10 years ago